The building shape is derived from the angled setting of the site on Moussonstrasse.

We place the self-confident building centrally on the plot and take the angle as a design strategy to formulate the solid body according to the course of the sun and to interweave it with the surroundings through balconies. By consistently playing through the angles in the floor plan, the interiors, which are unique in this way, are given views in different cardinal directions and changing light moods over the course of the day and year.

Terraces are added to the attic apartments through the staggering and setbacks at each room, and the roof terrace above, accessible via an internal staircase, provides a private outdoor space on par with the living space.

The residential building is executed in beige clinker with color variance, which gives the facade woven qualities.

Reto Studer

Elegance, Zurich

Location: Moussonstrasse 18, 8044 Zurich
Residential units: 14 units
Property type: Condomium ownership
Apartment sizes: 3.5–4.5 rooms / 81–120 m²
Status: Realized
Occupancy date: 2021
Client: Private
Architecture: HDPF

All units have been sold.

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