The orthogonal volume is centrally placed and slightly set back into the terrain, from which the top two floors protrude completely.

Towards the street, the clear, cubic volume is broken up by a terraced step, whereby its discreetly legible symmetry, which is given by the apartment ratio, lends it a structuring appearance. The physicality of the building is emphasized by a circumferential grid of fine plaster strips, which rhythmically frames coarser plaster fields and the recurrent window openings with a colorful depth effect and connects them to form an overall composition.

The banisters, windows and blinds made of anodized aluminum in a darker brown tone also subtly subordinate themselves to the facade image and form a visually clear rear facade level.

The floor plan is kept functional and rigidly symmetrical, which creates infrastructural economies that allow to fully exploit the generosity of the living spaces towards the view.

Francisco Ferrandiz

twentyseven, Birmensdorf

Location: Weissenbrunnenstrasse 27, 8903 Birmensdorf
Residential units: 7 units
Property type: Condomium ownership
Apartment sizes: 4.5–5.5 rooms / 101–150 m²
Status: Realized
Occupancy date: Summer 2020
Client: Private
Architecture: HDPF

All units have been sold.

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